I started attending St. Peter’s as a young girl. At the age of 22 I moved to Vancouver and it was there I met my husband Martin. We were married in 1974 and moved back to Calgary in 1979. Both our son and daughter were born in Calgary. We started attending St. Peter’s as a family in 1985 and Martin and I have been attending here ever since. We have five grandsons ranging from grade 4 to grade 10 and are so lucky to have them all in Calgary.
Over the years I have been very active at St. Peter’s. I have held the positions of Sunday school teacher, Vestry Secretary, Chancel Guild Member, Chancel Guild Treasurer, Lay Assistant, Lay Reader and Intercessor, volunteer at Fall Fair, and now a member of Parish Council.
I look forward to working with other members of Parish Council and Rev. Bonnie.
Wednesday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM