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Sheriff Hal is looking for a few good cowboys and cowgirls to join the posse that will host our Stampede Breakfast on July 7.

St. Peter's is fixin' to host hundreds of our closest friends and neighbours during the breakfast (details below), and we want to put our best boot forward, and serve them up a heapin' helpin' of our hospitality. And to do that, we need your help.

We've got a solid team in place to cook the vittles, and a great bunch of deputies to lead the set-up and take-down effort, but we need a few more hands to help share the load. (Many hands make for light work, even in the Old West.) Contact People's Warden Hal Anderson to learn more about joining one of the crews.

LARGE Bouncy Castle.  Inflatables must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times during use. Starting at . . . Meanwhile, we've rented a 16' by 16' bouncy castle, and Alpha Marshal Karen Petkau is brewing up a batch of fun and simple crafts & games to keep the little buckaroos entertained in our Kids' Corral. She needs a few faithful sidekicks to help facilitate the fun and wrangle the rascals. Contact Pastor Karen if you can help.


About the breakfast

Things will look and feel a little different at St. Peter's on July 7, in a number of ways. First, the parking lot will be closed to regular traffic (please park on the street or at the school across the street). Second, instead of our usual 10 a.m. church service, we'll host a shorter service that will start at 9 a.m., so we can kick off the breakfast promptly at 10:15. Third, the whole kit and kaboodle tables, cooking stations, food line and Kids' Corral will be set up on the front half of the church property to make the action as visible and inviting as possible from both 75th Avenue and Elbow Drive. 

We'll serve pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs and baked beans, with juice and coffee to wash it all down – and all of it will be free to anyone who brings their appetite. Rev. Bonnie will share words of welcome and read some compelling cowboy poetry. Rev. Rob and a tenderfoot or two he knows from other Calgary churches will entertain the masses with some country gospel tunes on guitar and banjo. 

While we hope everyone from the St. Peter's community moseys on down and enjoys the food and entertainment, the focus of the event is on hosting the community. There's no greater joy than bringing joy to others, so don't miss out on this simple but profound opportunity to show the love of Jesus to our neighbours in a tangible and meaningful way. 

Y'all come ... and help!