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The people of St. Peter's kicked off our fall season with gusto on September 8, with a delicious Welcome Back Barbecue and a strong start for Disciple Depot our new children's ministry program.

The kids were ecstatic to have their own classroom refreshed and renewed with colour-coordinated tables for children of various sizes, and they responded enthusiastically to the Disciple Depot format and curriculum that Pastor Karen custom built for our parish (not to mention the snacks she provided). The children even led the Doxology at the end of the 10 a.m. service! Click here to register your children for Disciple Depot.

Afterwards, most parishioners headed out to the courtyard for hefty hot dogs, lip-smacking lemonade and delicious desserts. The food was fantastic, the weather was wonderful and the conversation was captivating.

What a great beginning! We look forward to seeing what else God has in store for our church community fasten your seat-belts!