THIS WEEK AT ST. PETER’S April 5-12 Sunday: 10:00 am BAS Stream on Facebook We encourage you to watch the April 5 online service and we thank everyone involved who helps out so we can continue to share in God's word together.
Office Hours: Please be aware that office hours will be reduced during this time. The best way to get a hold of Meredith is by email at administration[at]stpeterscalgary[dot]ca.
Suspended: Because we are concerned about the health of each other, we are closing the Church to the public for the time being under the instruction of the Diocese. This does not mean we cannot email or chat on the phone and business can be done through emails, conference calls and over the phone. Please contact Rev. Singh at singhjmap[at]shaw[dot]ca for any questions.
Prayer Group: Please contact Betty Nadurak at 403-686-1110 if you have any questions.
Pastoral Care: Please contact Lois Ellis at 403-252-9503 or loisellis[at]shaw[dot]ca for more information.
Donations: Parish members may either mail in their donation to the Church (903 75 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, T2V 0S7), or they may bring it in and slide it under the Office door. The other alternative is for people to go to their bank and set up a direct deposit- please email Meredith for a form to complete. This will be extremely helpful as a parish member because it automatically comes out of your account to St. Peter’s.
Rummage Sale: Well, how are you doing? What “treasures” have you found in the back of the cupboard or buried in the garage? Have you dated and organized the photo albums or downloaded and printed them off your camera? How are you doing with the filing? What is in the cupboard that you haven’t used or worn for the last 2 or 3 years? It is the time to box it up and plan to take it to the Rummage Sale.
Parish List Update: Ann Bright and her team are contacting everyone in the 2019 Church Directory. You will be asked if your address and postal code are current, and whether you can be contacted by computer. Do you have an assigned mailbox? The time seems appropriate to update the Parish information as we continue to self-isolate. Please thank your phoner.
Church Keys & Codes: With a review of records taking place by members of the Parish Council, the lists as to who has keys and assess codes for the Church is being updated. The plan at present is to change the front and rear door locks. If you have concerns or wish to return your present keys, please contact Lynne Arling at arling07[at]telus[dot]net or 403-242-9595.
Anglican Diocese of Calgary Newsletter: Can be found by clicking HERE
Church Closure: Please click HERE to read the notice sent by the Diocese to close the church to the public.
A Prayer for Holy Week: O Lord God and Saviour of our human race, whose eternal love for our weak and struggling race was most perfectly shown in the blessed life and death of Jesus Christ. Enable me now to meditate upon our Saviour Jesus Christ’s passion, having fellowship with Him in this time of COVID 19 pandemic. Good Friday in my heart and mind! Fear and fright! My thoughts are the Disciples when they fled, my words are the words that priest and soldier said, my deed the spear to desecrate the side that pierced our Jesus side. When we all are despairing; when the world is full of grief; I say please roll back the stone. We may fear change; we may not want to be ready: we may want to run away and hide; I say please roll back the stone. With Easter around the corner; we are coming with the women the tomb; because you are calling us from our grave to show us the way. I say please roll back the stone. Amen. May you gather before the Cross in the comfort of your home to commemorate the Passion of our Lord and contemplate anew the gracious words of Jesus which will illumine your souls. (The Passion Narrative - Matthew 26: 14 - 27: 66) Jagdutt Singh.
Closure of Ohana Cafe: Greetings from the desk of the Interim Priest. After much prayer, some consultation and thinking about our present situation in Calgary regarding COVID 19: I came to the conclusion and made the decision to close Ohana Cafe. Secondly, I have laid off Cameron Graham, Jarod Graham, and Emily Cecilia until the Schools resume. Ron Bennett is now working half time for St. Peter’s. Sam Tidd, our organist and Meredith Delday, our office staff will remain full time. I, as Interim Priest, will remain as long as I am needed.
I also realize there are some deep concerns regarding the closing down of Ohana kitchen and the staff being laid off. Some very valid points regarding the valuable outreach we could have done in this time of extreme need were made and I value them. However I cannot allow any staff to contract COVID 19, so for that reason, I decided to close down the kitchen and lay off the staff. Thank you for your understanding. The Rev. Jagdutt Singh
Quarantine Poem: With apologies to Dr. Seuss I do not like this quarantine I do not like this quiet scene It seems so very harsh and mean To have to keep this quarantine
Can I go out to the park? Can I go out after dark? No you can't go to the park No you can't go after dark Can I go out to the gym? Can I work out to get slim? No you mustn't be so dim Of course you can't go to the gym! Nor can you go out to the park Even if it's after dark
Can't I just go out to eat? Or to buy an ice cream treat? No you can't go out to eat Nor to buy an ice cream treat And you can't go to the gym Not to bulk up or to slim No you can't go to the park Even if it's after dark Even if it's harsh and mean You have to stay in quarantine!
I can't! I can't! I'll lose my mind! No walks or trips of any kind? No walks or trips of any kind No great loss if you lose your mind So even if you kick and scream You have to stay in quarantine!
Why must I follow this dumb rule It seems ridiculous and cruel It seems so very harsh and mean To be stuck in this quarantine! We're doing this to stop the spread So no more people end up dead This will protect the elderly By acting extra cautiously If we all do our part, and fast! All this will soon be in the past So please stop making such a scene And just stick to the quarantine!
OK I think I get it now We must save lives and this is how We can't go out with friends to eat Or to a picnic or retreat We cannot go out to the gym (Who'll even see if we are slim?!) We cannot go out to the park Even if it's after dark We cannot go out here and there We should not go out anywhere I'm sorry for the nudge I've been I'm gonna stay in quarantine!
Author Unknown
Lessons learned because of COVID – 19: Get dressed every day, polish that old silver even if it takes several tries, and phone a friend as it benefits you and them during this isolation.
Upcoming Readings: April 5, 2020 - Passion/Palm Sunday. Isaiah 50: 4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2: 5-11 Matthew 26:14-27:66
April 10, 2020 - Good Friday. Station 1: Jesus condemned to death. - Mark 14: 61-64 Station 2: Jesus carries His cross. - John 19: 14-17 Station 3: Jesus falls the first time. - John 15: 18-20 Station 4: Jesus meets his afflicted mother. - John 19: 25-27 Station 5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His cross. -Mark 15: 20-22 Station 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus - Matthew 25: 37-40 Station 7: Jesus falls the second time - Isaiah 53: 4-6 Station 8: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem - Luke 23: 27-28 Station 9: Jesus falls the third time - Psalm 119:25-28 Station 10: Jesus is stripped of His clothes. - Matthew 27: 34-35 Station 11: Jesus is nailed to the cross - Luke 23:33-34; John 19:18 Station 12: Jesus dies on the cross. - Luke 22: 44-46; John 19:30b Station 13: The body of Jesus is taken down from the cross. - John19: 33,34,38 Station 14: Jesus is laid in the tomb. - Matthew 27:59-60
April 12, 2020 - Easter Day. Acts 10: 34-43 Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 Colossians: 3:1-4 John 20:1-18
April 19, 2020 - Easter 2. Acts 2: 14a, 22-32 Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20: 19-31
April 26, 2020 - Easter 3. Acts 2: 14a,36-41 Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17 1 Peter 1:17-23 Luke 24: 13-35 |