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All Saints' Day (November 1) is an important feast day in the life of the church, and St. Peter's is hosting two services to commemorate the occasion.

First, on Friday, November 1 at 10:30 a.m, we'll host a service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) in St. Peter's Chapel. No hymns will be played, but the Communion liturgy will be sung,. and coffee and fellowship will follow.

We'll sing the BCP Communion liturgy again on Sunday, November 3, in our regular 10 a.m. service. (Organist George and Music Director Patricia Yuen Sparrow will lead our hymns in their usual outstanding fashion on Sunday morning.) As is customary during All Saints' services, we will read the names of people in our community and extended family who have gone onto glory. If someone close to you has died in the last year, please email Rev. Rob to have their name added to the list of the departed, which will be read during the service.