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Liam Getty is a Youth With a Mission, both literally and figuratively, and we're excited to introduce him as our parish's new Youth Assistant.

Liam  whose dad The Ven. Alan Getty is the Incumbent of the Meota Parish and Archdeacon of Macleod is no slouch in the Servant of Christ department himself. 

"Hi, my name is Liam Getty, and I am a missionary," he wrote in his St. Peter's bio. "In October 2023, I left for Japan to work with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in their Discipleship Training School (DTS) to help know God and to make him known."

During his time with the organization, he spent a month in Thailand and three months in Japan, and discerned that he's being called to long-term mission work. He just began his first year at Ambrose University, with an ultimate goal of earning a master of divinity degree. At that point, he plans to return to Japan and serve as a missionary there, long term.

You can expect to see Liam at St. Peter's on Friday nights and Sunday mornings, and he'll be working with our clerical and pastoral staff to establish and develop a youth program. We're absolutely ecstatic to have him, and he says the feeling is mutual.

"I look forward to seeing you all in church at St Peter's and in the community!"

Please join us in welcoming him to our parish!