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If Heaven is so Great, Why Can't I go Now? is an illustrated children's book I wrote in response to a question I received from the mom of one of the Sunday school children I was teaching. Her father-in-law had recently passed away and her young son was having trouble coming to terms with the idea that he couldn't join his Pop in Heaven, especially since it sounded like a mighty fine place to live! After much thought, I responded to this mother with an email of what I suggested she discuss with her son, and she replied with encouragement for it to be turned into a book. As a professional writer, I gave it a go and If Heaven is so Great, Why Can't I go Now? was completed. Published by Word Alive Press, it is a 5-Star reviewed book on Amazon and a 4-Star reviewed book on Goodreads. I have had several articles written about the book in newspapers across Canada, including The Calgary Herald.

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They are also available for sale at numerous bookstores, including Amazon, Kobo Ebooks, and 3:16 Europe.

Thank you for your interest in this book!

Pastor Karen