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Total tithes, offerings and donations: $122,356 (Budget $129,500)
Total Rental Income: $22,974* (Budget $54,487)
Expenses: $224,725 (Budget $240,960)
Net Income: $-67,186 (Budget $-54,723)

Our tithes, offerings and donations average $13,595 per month for this period, and this number is more than 34% higher than the total for the same period in 2023! The Corporation and Parish Council are grateful for your ongoing faithfulness and responsiveness. May it continue, increase and multiply over the weeks and months ahead, and allow St. Peter's to meet and exceed its budget for this year, and beyond.

* The short-term accounting adaptation we implemented last month, where costs associated with the renovation of the Rectory in our Cost of Rentals income line, has been reversed, and this amount has been moved into the Capital side of our financial statements. I am happy to review this in more detail if you're interested.