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Total tithes, offerings and donations: $109,926 (Budget $117,000)
Total Rental Income: $-788* (Budget $46,211)
Expenses: $204,781 (Budget $213,859)
Net Income: $-83,632* (Budget $-48,649)

Our tithes, offerings and donations average $13,741 per month for this period, and this number is more than 35% higher than the total for the same period in 2023! Thank you for your ongoing commitment and faithfulness to this parish. May it continue, increase and multiply over the weeks and months ahead, and allow St. Peter's to meet and exceed its budget for this year, and beyond.

* We have chosen to temporarily put costs associated with the renovation of the Rectory in our Cost of Rentals income line, because we anticipate funding from the Diocese to offset the renovation and this has also reduced our Net Income significantly. This is a short-term accounting adaptation that will be reversed in upcoming months as the financial dust settles on the Rectory renovation. I am happy to review this in more detail if you're interested.