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Is God calling you to attend the co-ed Cursillo weekend next month? Contact Rev. Bonnie or Rev. Rob to explore the idea!

Described by some as a worship workshop retreat weekend, Cursillo is a short course or series of lectures, and an excellent next step for Christian disciples. Participants spend the entire weekend from Friday evening until Sunday evening together. We listen, we talk, we pray, we sing, we laugh, we eat it's a wonderful experience of Christian community and a powerful opportunity to deepen your faith.

Here are the details:

When: Friday, April 4 - Sunday, April 6
Where: Entheos Retreat Centre, just west of Calgary on Highway 8
Cost: $230 per person (shared room), $260 (private room), subsidy available
How: Contact Rev. Bonnie or Rev. Rob, or e-mail

For more information, visit: