Is God calling you to attend the co-ed Cursillo weekend next month? Contact Rev. Bonnie or Rev. Rob to explore the idea!
Described by some as a worship workshop retreat weekend, Cursillo is a short course or series of lectures, and an excellent next step for Christian disciples. Participants spend the entire weekend – from Friday evening until Sunday evening – together. We listen, we talk, we pray, we sing, we laugh, we eat – it's a wonderful experience of Christian community and a powerful opportunity to deepen your faith.
Here are the details:
When: Friday, April 4 - Sunday, April 6
Where: Entheos Retreat Centre, just west of Calgary on Highway 8
Cost: $230 per person (shared room), $260 (private room), subsidy available
How: Contact Rev. Bonnie or Rev. Rob, or e-mail
For more information, visit: