Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson recently announced that he's appointed our Incumbent, the Rev. Bonnie Luft, as the new Spiritual Director of the Calgary Anglican Cursillo movement – and for her part, Rev. Bonnie is excited.
"I've been involved with Cursillo a lot over the years, and I've seen first-hand how Cursillo has planted and watered a lot of seeds for the Kingdom. I'm looking forward to contributing to that journey in a new way, as Spiritual Director," she says.
This appointment comes in addition to Bonnie's other diocesan duties – chairing the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer committee and serving on the Administration and Finance Sub-Committee and Diocesan Council, to name a few.
"Diocesan work is both rewarding and gratifying, but being the Incumbent at St. Peter's is my primary calling and my main focus. I look forward to serving God in the years ahead, in any way I can – but first and foremost at St. Peter's."
Curious about Cursillo? Visit the website or read this poster. Better yet, come to the next Ultreya gathering at St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Church in Airdrie, on February 14 at 7 PM.