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There's something special about a ride in a convertible on a hot summer day.

Just ask St. Peter's parishioner Eileen Williams, who won a ride in a convertible at a church event in March, and collected her prize earlier this month.

"I won one of the door prizes at the St. Patrick's Dinner – a ride in the Culls' convertible to any place I wanted to go," says Eileen. "I picked Cochrane, but since there is a lot of construction going on there, we decided to go to Bragg Creek instead." 

The 2006 Mazda Miata was piloted by fellow parishioner Martin Cull, and escorted by Eileen's husband Arnold, who followed in his own vehicle with granddaughters Azalia and Mecca with him. The girls also got to enjoy the cramped comfort of the two-seat sportscar, but only after the party arrived at their destination. They also followed up the cool, sweet ride with some cool, sweet ice cream.

Eileen sums up the trip thusly: "It was a perfect day for a drive and I thoroughly enjoyed it."

Congratulations, Eileen and thanks to Martin & Margaret for providing this precious prize!