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Saturday, September 28
7 p.m. | Cormack Hall

Whether you're brand-new to St. Peter's or you've been coming here for decades, you're invited to take part in a wine & cheese and scavenger hunt – with a twist.

"For this event, you are both the hunter and the hunted. You will be asked to wear something on your person for the scavenger hunt," explains organizer Marilyn Shaw. "The item may be disguised but it must be visible.  Please RSVP as soon as possible, so that you can be assigned an item to disguise and wear – examples include a pop-can tab, toothpick, dental floss, bottle cap, tea bag, duct tape, washer, etc." Please RSVP (email or text 587-225-9238) as soon as possible, so that you can be assigned an item to disguise and wear!

Attendees are asked to bring either an appetizer (hot or cold), such as cheese & crackers, a vegetable/fruit tray or sweets, and/or a bottle of wine to share. Please bring your own soft drinks or bubbly water if you prefer that beverage.

Hosted by the First Friday Social group, this event is an opportunity for adult members of our parish to socialize, welcome and support each other, all while taking part in a fun activity.

"We have been an active group for 45 years, and in the beginning, we met on the First Friday of each month, hence the name," Marilyn explains. "Over the years, we found that we needed to be more flexible and so presently, we usually gather on a Saturday evening most months from September to June."

Please join us, and do RSVP sooner than later.