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Want to dig deeper into your Bible? St. Peter's is gearing up to offer a Bible Study Series this Lent, with three options to help you do just that!

On Thursdays evenings starting February 20, Alpha Pastor Karen Petkau will lead Get Out of Your Head – a women's Bible study on Philippians that looks at how we can change the way we think when we submit our minds to Christ.

On Friday evenings starting February 21, Youth Assistant Liam Getty will facilitate Outside the Spotlight – a journey through some of the lesser-read parts of the Bible; the historic, the enigmatic, the brutal. Come not to be taught but to explore...

And on Saturday mornings starting March 1, Associate Priest Rev. Rob Petkau will lead Psalms for Guys – a walk through the Psalms that aims to shed light on what it looks like to be a man of prayer; to pray like a man after God's own heart.

Stay tuned for details and registration links.