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St. Peter is normally associated with fish, but St. Peter's Anglican Church has been a beehive of activity this week, as a team of dedicated worker bees toiled tirelessly to prepare our facilities for Saturday's festivities.

The Nave is looking eminently ship-shape, with the positioning of all the prayer and hymn books meticulously synchronized for the ordination service, which starts at 3 p.m. Meanwhile, the Lower Hall and Cormack Hall have been exquisitely outfitted to host our post-ordination reception and Patronal Feast, which kick off at 5 p.m. and 6:15 respectively.

Scroll through the photos above to check out the handiwork of our very busy set-up team. Great job, everyone – and special thanks to our Queen Bee, Rev. Bonnie, for her keen eye for design and detail!